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Interior Designers & Partners Wholesale Application

Zócalo Village offers wholesale discounts to the green trade industries. Professionals in fields such as landscape, landscape design, florists, and related fields are welcome to apply for wholesale pricing. Please read, sign and return our Customer Charge Fact Sheet, Wholesale Agreement Form, and AZ 5000 Tax Form (if applicable). Forms are available for download below, or you can get them in person at Zócalo Village. You will also need to provide a valid business license, card, or other identification for your business. An AZ 5000 Tax Form with valid EIN is required for tax exempt businesses. You can bring these forms in to the nursery during your next visit or send the filled out/signed forms to info@zocalovillage.com.


AZ 5000    Download
Customer Charge Fact Sheet    Download
Wholesaler Discount Agreement    Download
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